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  • Writer's pictureLaure of Nature

May 2022 – Connecting with Nature

LATEST Inspirations:

The 30th of April is the start of a new moon in Taurus with a partial solar eclipse on the 31st/1st May. It's a wonderful coincidence that as I read we are in an eclipse season, with two this month, we are running a Foraging and Fermentation workshop: the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus is an opportunity for a paradigm shift and to look again at our relationship with the Earth, our values, resources and food.

I've been really inspired by a book gifted to me as a late secret-Santa, called "Hedgerow Medicine" by Julie & Matthew Seal. And while reading it, it occurred to me that what we call weeds are potentially and/or actually growing on this planet for a reason and many having medicinal benefits - and free to pick from nature as opposed to lining the pockets of Big Pharma. It suddenly dawned on me that we may be in danger of losing the knowledge and deep truths about these amazing plants and that we need to reconnect with nature and the wonder of weeds!

Did you know that Dandelion Flowers are very helpful for dry skin, muscle aches and arthritis? That Nettle Tops are high in iron and magnesium and can clear gout by cleansing the blood. Many of the 'weeds' and plants that are unnoticeable to the untrained eye have fascinating histories in terms of their use and I am only starting to learn about them.

In the next 2 months, gently moving into summer season, I'm excited about working in partnership with an expert in foraging and yoga, Kim from Earth Mata: the first workshop in May is focused on Foraging and Fermentation where we combine fermentation with what nature provides in the wild. The second workshop, in June, will celebrate Summer, the Fire element, and look after our hearts through Fermentation and Yoga.

As we are deep into the Wood season of Chinese medicine, the natural detoxification of the liver area is underway and using juices and herbs from the wild will greatly support this process. Hydrating, magnesium in-take, consuming good fats and an alkaline diet are key during this period.

Avoid dehydrating, acid forming, inflammatory foods: caffeine, alcohol, sugar, gluten, dairy, processed foods, red meat. It can be useful to do a urine PH check to see where you stand - you want to be at minimum 7 (the greener the better!) to ensure you feel great throughout your body. Below 6 (if the indicator strip stays yellow) points towards a high risk of inflammation.

My mantra for this month is:

I am exactly where I’m supposed to be

I feel gratitude for the earth beneath my feet


> Our collective stall with Amanda at the Microgreengrocer and Chris at Welshdragonchilli has been in a trial period for a few weeks now and it seems to be working well despite running through a time when many people have taken breaks or enjoyed getting out of the city on the bank holidays. We are running the Riverside Food Market every Sunday, Pontcanna and Barry Goodsheds on Saturdays, Roath market once a month as well as Green Life at the Bone Yard from time to time.

> Nettle Top Soup is such a tasty and easy way of using nettles - available free from the hedgerow: cook some chopped onions in a pan, add your rinsed nettle tops (2 handfuls), top up with your favourite stock. Add some potatoes or other veg you fancy and cook for 15 to 20 mins. Then whizz through a blender and season. I also like to add a tablespoon of miso for extra probiotics!

Happy Eclipse Season!

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