Happy Shamain to all!
We have been slowly entering the Winter darkness and into the sign of Scorpio. We have been through a lot of planetary changes recently, including a partial solar eclipse on 25th of October and a lunar eclipse due on the 8th of November. Eclipses can have an amplified impact on our lives, particularly on matters we've been trying to avoid and/or deny for a while. In our day-to-day living we can get so wrapped up in our thoughts and become so distracted, that we find ourselves not really accomplishing much.
There may be signals -- mental, emotional, or physical -- that tell us we need to slow down and relax but, as we are so engulfed by the activities and demands of our daily lives, we can easily overlook what is really going on inside us. The hidden stuff, the 'darkness'. It is during these times that we need to step back and take a moment to connect with our inner self, giving our minds, bodies, and spirits the time they need to re-energize and heal. Even if it may seem counter productive, a healthy period of rest can give us a real sense of our true potential. Spending a couple of minutes walking outside, doing a few yoga poses, meditating, or simply becoming attuned to the rising and falling of our breath enables us to let go of our worries. We bring our focus back to the things that are truly essential to and for us; our sense of inner peace and well-being and our oneness with the universe. As Dr Chatterjee says in his conversation with Zak Bush "being in touch with our Solitude!"
When we give ourselves the gift of stepping away from those saturating thoughts, we end up being able to bring a much more positive and healthy outlook to the rest of our lives, and therefore avoiding the development of dis-ease! As we increase our energy and frequency, we become more receptive to the wisdom and answers from the universe, to find truth and be renewed.
As we let those emotionally draining thoughts gradually disappear we are able to feel fresh again, bringing the negative thoughts to an end and starting anew.
This is actually the law of life and death! Something new is born from letting go of the past.
A great symbol and expression of this cycle are mushrooms, they represent the connection with what we have left behind and fertility and transformation for what is to come! Recently I've had several experiences with mushrooms; medicinal, spiritual and culinary! They are so intriguing, beautiful and many of them very tasty! Don't miss this amazing documentary that highlights their true glory better than I ever could.
My favourite recipe is Mushroom Stroganoff, great to use with field mushrooms or ceps.
Naturopathically, all the tips from last month's newsletter are even more important to follow in order to avoid any November blues!
My mantras for this month:
I accept the true power within me
I feel calm, centred and peaceful
> Learning Reiki: myself and Alan have been doing our level 1 Reiki course (October/ November) and hoping to use more and more of this amazing energy channelling in our lives. Have you thought about learning something new this year? Is anything calling you?
> Workshops: we are looking to hold more workshops on Saturdays; new dates for November and December are below and we are looking at a plan for 2023.
> Grouped Deliveries outside of Cardiff: We have 2 separate 'grouped deliveries' a month. Please get in touch if you live in the areas detailed below and want a Water Kefir delivery:
Swansea and Swansea Valleys to Ystradgynlais: second Wednesday of the month. 09.11
Newport and Bristol: fourth Wednesday of the month 23.11
We have 3 workshops coming up in the next few weeks, if you would like to come and join us in learning more about fermentation and good nutrition to maintain a healthy digestive system please get in touch:
Abergavenny - Saturday 03.11 (Sold out)
Cowbridge Area, Coed Hills - Saturday 03.12 Please check my calendar for the latest updates on where I am in the next couple of months!
Happy Metal Season!
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