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  • Writer's pictureLaure of Nature

April 2022 – Lightening Up

LATEST Inspirations:

On 20th of March, we celebrated the true beginning of spring and the lengthening of the days with the Spring Equinox.

Looking back at my newsletter of 2 years ago, we have all experienced many changes and challenges... on top of two years of (what appears to have been) media fear-mongering, restrictions on our freedoms (socially and economically) and an ever growing uncertainty.

But at this seasonal change, combined with a Full Moon on the 18th of March, I really felt like hearts and lungs were opening up! A big and optimistic feeling of people coming together in innovative and creative ways, responding to a deep 'knowing' inside that significant change is needed. And a time to open our hearts and light up the future with true inspiration and spirituality - as the trees start to fill up with green leaves, the birds sing and the flowers begin to show their colours.

How have you felt over the last month? Did you notice any changes to your internal power?

I find that the onset of spring can actually kick-start this power into action or boost what's already there. I sincerely hope that you too have felt a surge of energy from the seasonal change and the New Moon on the 1st of April will help you focus on the changes you want to make in your life.

The seasons surge of energy brings new growth for nature, but for us personally and, I hope, for humanity. Growth is key.

Our workshop at Coed Hills, St Hilary, Nr Cowbridge on 16th March was sold-out and enjoyed by both guests and hosts I'm delighted to say! I never imagined there would be so many questions about the process of making sauerkraut and the array of issues that people have encountered trying to make it!

It was a life enhancing experience for me to feel the energy in the room after combining my knowledge of fermented foods and microbiome with the vibes of Kundalini yoga and sound bath.

I feel blessed and there will be another date next in June!

As we have now moved into the Wood season of Chinese medicine, there is a natural detoxification occurring in the liver area, and this will need supporting. We can find ourselves feeling sluggish and 'out of action' during this period, as our body tries to reset itself. Like a car that needs it's yearly service, so does our body!

How can we support it?

- First of all, we really must stay hydrated so our body can swiftly remove the things it doesn't need in order to function properly. Hydration means a minimum of 4 pints of filtered water daily (on top of other warm drinks you may have).

- Eat some good quality fats (particularly omega 3) and minerals like magnesium. You can pick up good quality fats from avocados, nuts and seeds and also from flax, chia seeds and walnuts. Magnesium from dark leafy greens and nettles.

- Stay as alkaline as possible: Think green!! There are a lot of veg box-schemes around! Juicing is a great way to stay alkaline as well as green smoothies and steamed veg. There is plenty of celery, spinach, fennel available right now which are all great to juice with lemon, apple and either coriander or parsley. Add salads, sprouted pulses (see recipe below) and microgreens to your meals… which are so rich in minerals and proteins! Go foraging - there's lots of wild garlic and nettles around at the moment somewhere near you!

Avoid dehydrating, acid forming, inflammatory foods: caffeine, alcohol, sugar, gluten, dairy, processed foods, red meat.

- Taking a course of Milk Thistle drops for 3 months. This will support the liver throughout the detoxification period

- Rebalance the Third Chakra or Solar Plexus with some Kundalini Yoga to awaken the inner fire. Anger and a bad temper are real signs that your liver needs attention. You can soothe the area directly with a Castor Oil pack and a hot water bottle, or use yoga, meditation and a sound bath to calm things down.

My mantra for this month is:

I am light, I embrace the wonder of life.


> We are very excited to be working with Amanda at the Microgreengrocer and Chris at Welshdragonchilli. Together we will have a collective stall at many local markets (weekly); the first one being Riverside Food Market every Sunday.

> Sprouting dried pulses is a great idea now the weather is getting warmer. You are basically reviving the life and nutrients of these small seeds and once sprouted you will get the benefit of getting optimal nourishment into your system: Choose a handful of dried chickpeas/ mung beans/ aduki beans/ lentils and soak them in filtered water overnight. Rinse them and do the same again until you can see a little tail popping out of them. Keep rinsing them but don't soak them anymore, just let them grow their tail. The process should take 3 to 5 days, they will get softer and when the tail gets to about an inch long, refrigerate and add to your favourite soups and salads!


  • Our next workshop at Coed Hills will be on Tuesday 28.06; more details will be issued in the next newsletter.

  • Mini workshops at the Bridge studios will also be available throughout the Summer.

  • Please ask me if you want to arrange a small group workshop around fermentation and naturopathic nutrition.

Happy Spring Equinox

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