Hey, did you feel some form of mental tension or pressure last Friday around the New Moon (28.07)?
Something like a potent headache or the triggering of emotions like grief or sadness. It was a very strong headache for me and many people I've spoken have said the same - without linking it to the force of the moon; we are currently in a powerful period of the solar and lunar cycle and heading towards the Lion's Gate Portal - the time to access transformation.
If you are interested in understanding more about planets and their effects on us, have a look at Pamela Gregory or Amanda Ellis.
It's fascination how they link the planetary changes to what is happening in our society!
As we enter the late Summer season, I find myself more and more drawn to the colour yellow. I felt a great urge to paint my hallway yellow - so I did! I've been wearing clothes with yellow flowers and yellow jewels. I am also currently obsessed with sunflowers. They are so pretty and the bees love them so much!
In Chinese medicine, the late summer season, related to the element of Earth, represents the core of the body, balance and neutrality. It governs the Stomach and Spleen (and Pancreas) and rules our digestive vitality and well as Thyroid health. When in balance we are able to nourish ourselves and those around us in a supportive manner. We give and receive appropriately. We feel connected to our body and grounded. It also gives us strong muscles, vibrant energy and the ability to think and study clearly.
Yellow, Orange and Brown foods make up many of Earth's nourishing foods and have warm and inviting tones. Think of squashes, yellow courgettes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots, mangoes and pineapples, whole-grains like millet, flax seeds and Bee pollen.
Make sure these foods and colours are abundant in your life, to bring in the benefits of the Earth element. These foods are also high in Vitamin A (beta-carotene) and will support skin, eyes and immunity. Sunshine will give us a boost of much needed vitamin D.
This last month I have been reflecting on happiness and been listening to Dr Chatterjee's new book called 'Happy Mind, Happy Life'. He describes Happiness as a stool with 3 legs that needs to be in balance:
He provides lots of easy tools to use on a daily basis to help you to keep your unique 3-legged stool in balance. For example, writing down 3 things you are grateful for each day, which can help you balance the leg of contentment. Breathing techniques and relaxation can help you with the leg of control. Being aligned, with your core values matching your actions, is also a great pillar (leg!) for happiness. I also love the way Dr C explains the difference between success and happiness.
My mantra for this month is:
I am aligned, I am content, I am in control
> 5 Year Business Anniversary: we had a lovely celebration on Sunday 31.07 at Bridge Studios, Cardiff and I thank all of you who have supported your gut health by drinking our Water Kefir, which in turn has supported our mission to spread the health among the masses over the last 5 years! We are so excited about the next 5 years to come!
> HOLIDAY: We are having a break the first weekend of August and then from 25.08 to 06.09. Please place your orders accordingly! : )
Happy Earth Season!
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